Monday, July 3, 2017

Preterism an Ancient Christian View

It has been stated to me that preterism is not a Christian view or doctrine. This is far from the truth. Many denominations of ancient founding hold to a preterit view. Those denominations formed before the mid 1800s were amillennial or preterist in view.

It is mainly those denominations that were formed since the teaching of John Darby, 1850s, and which were published as study notes in the Scofield Annotated Bible,1917, that hold to a futurist view. This includes many Baptist and Evangelical church denominations.

The Amillennialist view is also called the preterist view, as it holds to a past fulfillment for the return of Christ. The ancient denominations of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches, Lutheran, Calvinist and Anglican churches all hold this view, with minor variations of the particulars among them.


"Amillennialism: Non-literal "thousand years" or long age between Christ's first and second comings; the millennial reign of Christ as pictured in the book of Revelation is viewed as Christ reigning at the right hand of the Father. Therefore, another name for it is "realized millennialism", because it emphasizes an inaugurated future in the first coming of Christ and the outpouring of the Spirit in the Pentecost. It is the view held by the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches as well as by a number of the older Protestant denominations, such as the Lutherans, Calvinists, and Anglicans."

All reformed churches, who follow Calvinist teaching hold to preterism.

To judge the preterit view as  non-Christian is to call all believers in these denominations to also not be Christians, or at least to be in some degree of grave error. I know many fundamentalist believers who hold this view. I personally know Southern Baptist church men who think that no Roman Catholic will enter into heaven that they are all damned for their religion.

I do not hold to this error. Instead I love all those who claim the name of Christ, no matter what church or denomination they associate with, no matter what eschatological view they hold. I do not see the body of Christ divided and am grieved as I think is Christ, when those of different denominations judge others as not being in Christ.

Though some in their denomination have never heard of the preterit view, and are ignorant of its historic place in Christianity, their ignorance does not give them the place to judge it and those who hold it as being in a cult or not being a "real" Christian.

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